Bandnamevault boss responds to Dot Blockchain criticism

There currently is no central register of band names anywhere in the world. This means that when a band starts out, it’s difficult for them to establish if the name they want to use is in use, or has been previously used by another band.

Google is a great tool to help identify this, but sometimes the results are confusing as it’s difficult to refine any search of a name to specific use as a band name.

Source: Bandnamevault boss responds to Dot Blockchain criticism

Dot Blockchain boss criticises ‘opportunistic’ Bandnamevault

Benji Rogers, founder of Dot Blockchain, has termed the arrival of Bandnamevault – a company claiming to offer the first practical application of blockchain within the music industry – as both “opportunistic” and a “land grab”.

Speaking at the BIME conference in Bilbao, Rogers criticised the new platform as severely lacking. “I think it is extremely opportunistic,” he said. “I think if you are saying the first implementation of the blockchain is to register a band’s name, I will want to know what proof you are using to do that. And I want to know with what authority you can claim to place that in the blockchain.”

Source: Dot Blockchain boss criticises ‘opportunistic’ Bandnamevault Launches Blockchain Name Registration Service for Bands 

Using a customized search engine that draws data from multiple major music services and databases artists can now search potential new band names for free. Once an artist finds an available name, for $15 they can create an immutable record of that name, and critically all of their uses of that name including every gig, recording, public performance or other appearance.

All of this information is permanently linked to the Blockchain and can be independently verified at any time in the future.

Source: Launches Blockchain Name Registration Service for Bands – Blockchain News